Friday, December 19, 2008

Goal Setting

You must set goals. The holidays are a perfect time to begin planning for the following year. Whether you call them New Year's resolutions, or your 2009 goals, it's important you have a destination in mind to help guide some of your choices. Here are a few suggestions: you can set goals in your professional life, for your family, health & fitness, other relationships, personal growth. Goals need to follow some guidelines to work.
Remember S.M.A.R.T. :
First step - set a goal to set your goals. Give yourself a deadline and reward yourself for meeting that deadline. Start small and build. You can do it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Fitness Info!


If you can't click right on the link, copy and paste it into your browser bar.
This article has interesting stats and studies. Guess what? Exercise is the single most important thing when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. Go figure . . . where have we heard that before?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fitness Goals

Every one of you should have these. Take personal responsibility for a higher level of fitness. Try doing this at home: see how many full sit ups you can do in a minute or how many you can do before you can't continue; do the same for push ups (toes or knees - do your best). Do this exact same evaluation 2 -3 times a week. I guarantee you'll feel positive results within a week or two. Try to keep this up for 30 days and hopefully you build some good habits with the routine.
Other things you can/should try: get 8 hours of sleep, drink more water and less soda, stay away from bizarre diets, and you must become more active! You cannot achieve a higher level of fitness without getting off the couch. Walk an hour, bike an hour, play basketball for an hour, train in your martial arts class for an hour, lift weights for an hour . . .  get the picture?
15-20 minutes of exercise might be a popular idea or movement, however, it won't get you the results you want. An hour of intense exertion several times (3-5) per week is what you want.
Now before you get discouraged, just try one of these things. Perhaps you'll try cutting out soda for a month. Perhaps you are going to try and do some sit ups and push ups. Just do something!
We're all capable of achieving great things, we just have to decide to do them.
If you are not in a uniform yet, come see me and we'll get you fixed up for classes, you'll be glad you did, guaranteed.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chief Master MK Lee to Visit

November 22, 2008, Chief Master MK Lee, 8th Degree Black Belt, will visit ATA Martial Arts of Springfield. He will conduct several leadership training sessions for all registered students. Time will be given for autographs after the training. Event hosts Master Richard Harman, 6th Degree Black Belt and Mrs. Kelly Harman, 5th Degree Black Belt. 
This will be an exciting experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity, I hope everyone has a chance to take advantage of his visit.